Identifying Environmental Characteristics

( Roll over yellow dots to identify sites )
Te Matuku Bay Complex - a site of ecological significance
"The coastal and wetland systems grade into a forested catchment, which supports a variety of forest compositions, ranging predominantly from broadleaf taraire and kohekohe in the gullies up to coniferous kauri and tanekaha on the ridges. Te Matuku Point is an important buffer zone to the surrounding ecosystem. A significant portion of the Complex is designated as part of the wider Te Matuku Marine Reserve, in recognition of the diverse range of marine life found here."
Auckland City District Plan - Hauraki Gulf Islands Section
"Te Matuku Bay Complex encompasses a wide range of interconnected land and sea-based habitats. The shell spits are a flock site and breeding ground, of international importance, for the endangered Northern NZ Dotterel. The nationally vulnerable Caspian Tern breeds here, and Reef Herons, also threatened, frequent the coastal areas. In Summer hundreds of Arctic migrants, such as the Bar-tailed Godwit, feed on the tidal flats at low tide and roost along the beaches at high tide. The wetlands are home to two bird species also nationally in decline, the Spotless Crake and the Banded Rail."
Auckland City District Plan - Hauraki Gulf Islands Section
"Te Matuku Bay is the largest area of inter-tidal mudflats on Waiheke Island and as such is typical of Waiheke's southern shore. The estuary has considerable diversity as some areas are not inundated every day, but on a less frequent basis. Te Matuku Bay includes the largest low-lying islands and coastal saline wetlands on Waiheke. Adjacent to the bay are small areas of freshwater wetland on small coastal plains backed by steep/moderately-steep coastal hills. The shell spit and associated coastal landforms within the Te Matuku Scenic Reserve is the best in the Ecological District."
DOC - Conservation Management Strategy