Local Birds
Endangered & reintroduced species, along with the more common
Northern NZ DotterelTuturiwhatu
"During breeding the breast of both male and female NZ dotterels becomes red and is especially bright in males - after breeding the red gives way to white underneath. If a predator comes too close to a dotterel nest the sitting adult will try to draw the predator away from the nest by feigning a broken wing. Once the predator is some distance from the nest, the dotterel will fly back to sit on the eggs."
- Newmont Environmental Management -
KereruWood Pigeon
"Kereru favours lowland forest dominated by podocarps, tawa, taraire and puriri. Their breeding and wintering distributions are similar, but birds will fly long distances to good sources of fruit or foliage outside the breeding season. Berries are a favourite food all the year round - puriri in the summer and autumn, miro in the autumn and winter and taraire in the winter and spring. Karaka, nikau, kahikatea and other berries also supplement their diet where available. During the late winter, when there are few or no berries, leaves and shoots, such as kowhai, provide sustenance."
- Narena Olliver - NZBirds.com -
"Waiheke to Benefit from New Songbird:
Residents are being invited to join forces with conservationists and help make a project to re-establish bellbirds on the island a success - after past failed attempts. Auckland Regional Council and the Department of Conservation are working with Forest and Bird to provide a future safe habitat on Waiheke for 100 birds. They are being translocated from Tiritiri Matangi island and from the Tawharanui peninsula, just north of Warkworth. Whakanewha Regional Park will get 50 of them, with the other half going to the Fenwick Reserve at Te Matuku Bay."
- Waiheke Marketplace - 31/03/2011 -
TuiParson Bird
"The tui is the one endemic bird to have survived and even thrived in the presence of humans on these islands. They have entered our national consciousness like no other New Zealand bird, not even the kiwi whom we rarely see or even hear these days. The tui has become very much an intimate part of our daily lives, whereas so many other birds have languished and died out or stayed away in the deep bush and shunned our presence."
- Narena Olliver - NZBirds.com -
North Island KakaBush Parrot
"The kaka is one of New Zealand's three native parrots. Despite being hammered by predators such as cats, rats and stoats, these inquisitive birds are making a comeback on predator-free offshore islands. Forest remnants are their exclusive habitat, with mature trees providing both food and nesting sites."
- Department of Conservation -